Comparing Plagiarism Detection Tools

Selecting a technology tool to detect plagiarism impacts both curriculum and technology stakeholders. Many schools are seeking a solution that ensures a high level of reliability while also streamlining teacher workflows. This website compares two of the most widely used tools for detecting original content in student work: Google Originality Reports and TurnitIn.

Comparing Plagiarism Detection Tools

Take a look at the many features Originality Reports offers and how they stack up against Turnitin.

FeaturesGoogle Originality ReportsTurnitin
Plagiarism detection for student and teacher review
Plagiarism identified within student work for instant comparison
Google Workspace integration through Classroom or Assignments
Integrates into multiple learning platforms
No enrollment or class codes for students to access
Student pre-screening of work before turning it in 3X3X
No distinction between draft and final copy–students can check work at any time.
Comparison in multiple languages.
Teacher comments and grading rubrics
Instant grade book sync with Google Classroom
Check against a private repository of student assignments
All student work stays within your domain and is not stored elsewhere ***
Supports Google Slides or Powerpoint
Ability to run free plagiarism checks*5 free reports per class, no time limit60 day trial

*Mark 5 assignments per course for free or limitless use as part of Google Workspace for Education Plus account or the Teaching and Learning Upgrade
**Turnitin has admin and teacher settings that must be enabled to share data only within the school’s domain. By default, data is stored on the Turnitin main repository. With Originality Reports, student data always stays within the school’s domain.

Originality Reports Key Features

  • Simple workflows

    Simple workflows

    Simple workflows

    • No codes or class setup
    • No document downloading and uploading to third party software


  • Own your school’s data

    Own your school’s data

    Own your school’s data

    In addition to web comparison, Originality Reports compares against your own repository in Google Drive with your own data. No student work is shared or stored outside your domain.

  • Consolidate your budget

    Consolidate your budget

    Consolidate your budget

    Built right into Google Workspace for Education. No extra cost or subscriptions.

“I was happy to find out that these features are already built into our Google Workspace for Education account. This meant we could stop paying for a subscription and put that money elsewhere.”

― Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Built right into the Google Workspace for Education ecosystem, with the same features as other plagiarism products.

Originality Reports is integrated into Google Workspace for Education, making it easy for students and teachers to check for plagiarism right from Google Classroom. For schools using other learning platforms, Originality Reports is also built right into Google Assignments. Originality Reports supports both Google Docs and Google Slides. It uses the power of Google Search to compare across the web to enable teachers and students to quickly assess authenticity.


“With Originality Reports there’s no downloading and uploading into other software. Everything is built right in. It’s fast and efficient for me and my students.”

― Grade 10 English Teacher